Little-known facts and behind-the-scenes info about popular movies and TV shows. We watch movies a LOT! Our favorites are true stories, reality TV, comedy, and drama / suspense movies. These are some of the most interesting things we’ve learned about random movies. Enjoy!
Our reviews for movies we've seen recently: Fracture, Shooter, Disturbia, Wild Hogs, Reign Over Me, Happy Feet, The Lookout, Letters From Iwo Jima, Breach, Alpha Dog.
So Larry Birkhead was determined to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, Dannielynn, I feel a little closer to this story than most. Here's why...
The Late Night TV Page says who's going to be on all the talk shows - even daytime talk shows. You'll never miss your favorites making the rounds on talk shows again!
The best thing Al Gore can do is come out with a sequel to 'An Inconvenient Truth'. He should film a day in the life with the Gore family showing what they do