I have never seen so many guys in a movie theater at one time!
For good reason. The 40-Year-Old Virgin is a movie FILLED with good ‘ol raunchy guy humor, and they manage to pull it off VERY well.
I (representing the chick viewer’s perspective) loved this movie!
It’s rated “R for pervasive sexual content”… and that’s a good thing. I wouldn’t want any “virgin ears” to hear to all the “guy secrets” which are dished out in this movie. (Of course, I wouldn’t feel too comfortable with my parents in the room next to me, either.)
That said, this movie is just plain FUN.
It’s loaded with laughs from start to finish. And, judging from the guys in the theater on this night, it’s about a laugh a minute. We’re talkin “shock & awe”-type BELLY laughs here!
Jim says this movie breaks all the rules by divulging too much “guy code”. I say, don’t kid yourself… We know you guys better than you know yourselves!
About The Characters
The entire cast of characters is AMAZING! Each of them pulls of their “uniquely odd” personalities with ease and perfection. And the movie just wouldn’t have been the same without any one of them.
- Catherine Keener — who (I was shocked to find out) is married to Dermot Mulroney (from The Wedding Date).
- Paul Rudd — who has “enjoyed a sort of low-key fame that has allowed him to branch out both in film and on the stage”. But don’t let that fool ya, he’s GREAT at silly off-the-wall humor!
- Romany Malco — this role seems so out of character for him, but he SHINES from start to finish. Romany is currently starring on the Showtime series, “Weeds” with Mary Louise Parker and Elizabeth Perkins.
- Steve Carell — of course, he’s the star of the show and he’s AWESOME in this role! By now, everyone knows he got his start as Jon Stewart‘s witty correspondent on The Daily Show.
Here’s my complete review of “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” (…and other movies we’ve seen recently).
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