Movies & TV

SNL: Maybe Saturday Nights Are Worth Staying Up For Again

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By Jim Walczak

Maybe I shouldn’t be revealing my age, but I can remember when staying up late on Saturday nights was… well it wasn’t really “late” back then.

I also remember that “LIVE From New York – It’s Saturday Night!” was an anthem that always brought a smile to my face.

But, it’s been – what? A decade or more since SNL has been worth staying up for?

Sure, there have been a few great flashes in the pan, but for the most part, those guys were better after they left Saturday Night Live.

Lynnette and I made it a late night Saturday (all work and no play) — the TV was on in the background for a little noise — then SNL came on. I have to admit that, at least the first episode of the new season (hosted by Steve Carell) was VERY funny.

Here’s hoping that they can string a few episodes together that will be worth an old guy like me staying up past COPS on a Saturday night!

So, what was your old time favorite SNL skit?


Some were asking what the Kanye West/Mike Myers skit from this episode of SNL was all about. Here’s the scoop:

CLICK to listen to the audio clip. Video: Mike Myers & Kanye West at a Hurricane Katrina benefit