Moviegoers Win In Class Action Lawsuit Against SONY

SONY has been ordered to pay $1.5 million to moviegoers for using “a fake Connecticut-based movie critic” in ads for several of their films.

The Good News…
If you saw any of these films:

during their original theater runs, then you’re eligible for a $5 per ticket reimbursement.

So, fellow moviegoers who’ve seen any of these movies… all you need to do is file a claim!

The Bad News…
I cannot seem to find anywhere how or where to file such a claim. And SONY‘s not offering up any details either.

Ah well, according to the ratings these movies received (click the individual movie titles above), they were pretty much “B” and “C” movies anyway. So what do you REALLY “win”?…

The Price Of Seeing A Bad Movie…
Why only 5 dollars, you ask?

I’m guessing it’s because the lawsuit was filed in 2001, and the “average” for matinee movie prices at the time was probably around 5 bucks.

ABC News online News
Guardian Unlimited