Home & Garden

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Tips for choosing the best rake for the job at hand. Hopefully, the following information about leaf rakes, garden rakes, and everything in between will open your eyes to a whole new and wonderful world of yard rakes. Indeed, the common rake has been redesigned many times over!

Time for a new pillow? (Here's how to tell.) See why I won't sleep on anything but down bed pillows. And why I like Cuddledown pillows best.

Many restaurants have a secret menu for popular items, substitutions, and add-ons not found on their regular menu. Here's how to order from the secret menu!

Do you really need to wash fruits and veggies first? YES! Here's the BEST way to wash produce. See what works and what doesn't!

Frozen yogurt ISN'T the perfect healthy treat you may think it is. Here's why you should stick to eating regular yogurt instead of frozen yogurt.

Miracle Fruit is all the rage. Now you can buy Miracle Fruit seeds & grow your own Miracle Fruit plants. Miracle Fruit makes foods taste sweet WITHOUT sugar

How to sort through the different types of green tea and pick the one that's right for you. With many health benefits, you should know the differences.

What do you know about your neighbors? Better yet, what do your neighbors know about you? Here are 6 legal ways to snoop on your neighbors online for FREE!

Dust spray is the best way to control dust & allergens at home. Some work better than others. Top dust control sprays + Dust mite remedies + DIY dust sprays