Strange & Funny Things

This category of articles is where it all began here at The Fun Times Guide. We started sharing strange and funny things… and we haven’t stopped! From funny videos to funny pictures and everything in between.

It's just not right... that the following MAJOR companies can get away with this type of advertising! I'm sure I'll be adding to the list as time goes on. If you can think of others, please do share.

My review of Demetri Martin's CD/DVD 'These Are Jokes'... His stuff makes you think and laugh -- all at the same time. Bravo, Demetri! ...but you've got hair issues.

I've been meaning to post some random pet stories I've collected from friends & relatives through the years, but time got the best of me. Tere's Crazy Pet Story #1: How 'Smoosh' Got Smooshed... and lived to tell about it!

Here's some news you can use regarding Fantasy Football...

Prepare to be dazed and amazed. This 'Book of Cool' is an online slideshow through dozens of unique sports and activities. The photos depict only the best of the best... the true superstars and heroes in their fields. This is what having FUN is all about...

Today, the last Friday in July, is National Talk In Elevators Day. In honor of that occasion, here is some elevator etiquette. Try one of these... if you dare!

Here's 'street art' taken to a whole new level... Scott Wade uses his finger to draw amazingly intricate illustrations in the dirt that builds up on the rear windows of his Mini Cooper and his wife's Mazda. Check out the amazing artwork that he's created on the windows of filthy cars...

As many of you know I do some PR and marketing work from some drag racers. Melanie Troxel is not one of them. For those that don't know who Melanie is, spot me 100 words or so here and you can have a chance to vote for her to win an ESPY.

From the world of 'the strange and unusual'... a Super Bowl hotdog that sells for $1,800... FREE iPod in exchange for old CD's... a 'smart' power strip that turns itself off... disposable phone numbers... snail mail junk mail revenge... and how long money lasts.