Strange & Funny Things

Crazy Pet Story: Smoosh The Cat

I’ve been meaning to post some random pet stories I’ve collected from friends & relatives through the years, but time got the best of me.

Anyway… here’s Crazy Pet Story #1:

How “Smoosh” Got Smooshed… and lived to tell about it!

In the words of my friend, Aimee:

The day we moved into this house Smoosh [the family cat] got out …no tags, etc. We hadn’t been here for more than a few hours, so there hadn’t been enough time for him to know where he was and where we lived.

I was devastated. For the first full week, I searched and searched for him and put up signs everywhere. He was gone as far as I knew. We live on a golf course [in Florida], so there was the whole gator issue, too.

As time went by, I wasn’t very encouraged, but I was really really upset. We received calls about once every other day with someone thinking they saw him. All of them were calls about a black kitty who actually lives on the golf course!

I started to lose hope. Eight days later, I got a call from someone who lived about a half-mile away (in the same community, different neighborhood) who said, “What house do you live in? I think I have your cat.”

I said, “Are you sure its him??? We’ve been getting calls from a lot of people.” She said, “Oh its definitely yours. I have your flyer in my hand.”

So, here she comes down the street, with Smoosh wrapped in a towel on her lap.


The new homeowners were there and heard meowing. She called the Fire Department and had them come and cut him out of the wall!

Isn’t that incredible? Of course I felt so indebted to her and was so thankful to have him back.

Thanks for sharing Aimee!

Here’s a picture I happen to have of Smoosh and Jim enjoying some quality time together… looking through my old scrapbooks. (It was taken a few years before “the big move”.)

Smoosh the cat and Jim.

Check out my growing collection of crazy dog stories!