What are you doing right now? Or, better yet…
What do you WANT to be doing?
Think of the following as “a virtual To Do list”… for you and nearly 10,000 of your closest friends!
43 Things is a one-of-a-kind website helps you find and track 43 things (more or less) that are important in your life… and in others’ lives, as well.
On my last visit, there were 11,963 people in 902 cities doing 43,228 things! (I’m one of them.)
And, you can even see what goals people from your own town are working on. For example, check out the Nashville To Do Lists.
It’s soooo simple to post your goals online here. The really cool thing is: you can see how many people share your same goal. And, those who’ve “been there, done that” offer words of advice for getting it done!
You can do the same. Once you mark your goal as something you’ve eventually “accomplished”, your name shows up as one who’s “been there, done that”, so YOU can offer helpful tips for others. (Either post a generic “what you did and how you did it” to your entry as you mark it “accomplished”, or answer specific questions that others may ask you from within the site.)
Whether your goals are simple (“Be a better friend.”), routine (“Take more pictures.”), or one-of-a-kind (“Start that pet-sitting business I’ve been talking about.”)… you’re sure to find motivation simply by posting your goals here.
More About 43 Things
Why is it called 43 Things? They say it’s because “we think 43 is the right number of things for a busy person to try and do”.
Why would you want to view other people’s goals? Better yet, why would you want to post your goals here for others to see?
This site exists to help others brainstorm about their goals in life, and get organized on a day to day level. Plus, it’s fun… and interesting to see what type of things people have on their To Do lists!
From the site: “Other people often have great ideas. You can get inspiration from others. Adopt a goal as your own or set up your own goals from scratch. Either way, 43 Things can help you document your success, share information, and make progress on what matters to you most.”
Check out Zeitgeist for all the up-to-the minute entries, most popular, and valuable tools to use this site most effectively. And once you post a goal of your own, don’t miss the “Cheers” section!
Some Of The Most Interesting Goals:
- Work because I like to, not because I have to …who knew 231 would have this same goal?!
- Lose weight …been there, done that! 567 others are currently pursuing this goal.
- Take more pictures …my personal goal at the moment, along with 558 other people!
- Drink more water …274 people are striving to cleanse their bodies by drinking more water.
- Buy a house …if you’re going through this same process, why not see what interesting things others are doing?
- Stop procrastinating …the #1 all-time goal of visitors to this site! See how other people are being active more than passive, PRoactive rather than REactive, and doers rather than wishers.BONUS: You don’t need a website to play along, but they have fun features to incorporate your To Do list into your site if you DO have one!