Today, it appears that Mr. Pig’s gone golfing…
If you’re a regular here, then you know I’m a pig-stalker of sorts on the side.
If you’re just visiting, and you’re even the slightest bit interested, the story starts here, then takes a few twists & turns — follow the links.
Funny Golf Humor About Golfing
And now, for some funny golf stuff…
Listen to Bud Light’s Real American Heroes “Mr. Golf Ball Washer Inventor”:
Here’s some more golf humor…
- Fun Golf Course Names
- Exploding Golf Balls
- The Best Golf Movies List
- Unusual Things In Golf
- Golf Movies
- Golfaholics Anonymous
- Humorous Wooden Golf Signs
- Funny Golf Games… VERY Unique
- Golf Beer Koozie
- Golf Greeting Cards
- Golf Bag Dork Test
- Golf Club Covers For Dog Lovers
- Novelty Golf Balls
Really Bad Golfers
…It’s only cheating if you get caught!
…For the golfer who really sucks.
…Cosmic rules that seem to apply to most amateur golfers.
Did you know?…
There are roughly 27 million golfers in the world.
Their average gross score: 107 shots.
80% do not achieve a handicap of less than 18.
—The Golf Swing Guru
Golf Jokes
- 20 LAWS Of Golf And 21 RULES Of Golf
- Golf Slogans & Sayings
- Typical Golf Jokes
- Why Golf Is Better Than Sex
- Golf Quotes & Jokes
- Golf One-Liners
The Golfer’s Prayer
Now I lay thy club to ball
I pray the hole thy ball will fall
If I should die lacking one last hack at it
I pray thy Lord will take a whack at it
But if thy Lord should somehow blow it
I’ve seen Your club
Oh God, don’t throw it!
Golf Cartoons
- Golf Cartoons & Jokes
- More Golf Cartoons
- Lucky Pants Cartoons & Other Golf Myths
- Golf Cartoons By Bob Zahn