Strange & Funny Things

Dumb Laws, Criminals, Warnings & Facts

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By Lynnette Walczak

Dumb laws website. Here’s some off-the-wall, albeit interesting stuff!

How about a collection of Dumb Laws (by state), Dumb Criminals (and their crazy antics), Dumb Warnings (as in appliance manuals), and a whole collection of Dumb Facts?

Check ’em out…

  • Dumb Warnings pertaining to appliances, drinks, clothes, electronics, food, household items, hygiene, Internet, medicine, toys, yard care, and more.
  • Dumb Criminals and their involvement with banks, cars, convenience stores, drugs, kidnappings, and robberies gone wrong.
  • Dumb Laws for every state in the nation… and beyond!
  • Dumb Bumper Stickers which, believe it or not, can all be placed into the following categories: alcohol, animals, appearance, blondes, breeding, cars, crime, driving, education, environmental, fishing, food, guns, gross, honking, kids, mental, money, occupation, political, relationships, religion, sexist, tailgating
  • Dumb Facts about everything under the sun. These are divided into categories: government, history, language, literature, quotes, pop culture, recreation & sports, sciences, statistics, and technology.


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