The Human Clock: Photos Submitted From Around The World

Here’s another way cool idea!

It’s called the Human Clock.

According to the site’s owner, Craig Giffen: “Creative and unique photos keep interesting”.


And what a creative (and FUNNY!) person Craig turns out to be!


How The Human Clock Works

It’s free. There’s no sign-in or registration required.

Simply log onto the website and you get to view a COOL slideshow of photos that changes every minute. Each photo depicts the actual time (according to your computer’s clock) in some unique way.


What Powers The Human Clock?

People, like you and me, from all around the world.

To date, thousands of people have sent in pictures which capture an exact time (hours + minutes) in a wide variety of ways. You can even submit your own!


Wanna Be Famous For A Minute?

Submit your own photo which depicts a particular time.

For example, get your friends together and stage a funny photo around a clock, or around some unique arrangement of numbers that illustrate the time, or set up food items (like apples) to show what time it is… you get the idea. The possibilities are endless!

Then, after you submit your photo, it will continue to appear in the rotation every day at the specific time depicted by your photo.

For example, if there have been 5 photos submitted which show that particular time, then yours will appear 1/5th of the time.

Want to increase the odds of YOUR photo popping up more often? Then check out the timeslots and just make sure your photo depicts a time that has fewer submissions.


Fun Tips For Using The

  • Make sure your computer’s clock is correct.
  • After clicking “view the clock”, take the time to set your initial preferences, including…
    …whether you want the “upcoming photos” for approaching times to also appear on your screen (I don’t — too cluttered)
    …whether you want to see where each photo was taken (I do!)
    …whether you want to see the seconds ticking away (why not?)
    …whether you want to “see the newest”, “random” or “rotate” photos appearing for each time (the newest, right?)
    …what you’d like your background color to be (I chose “squished smurf”)
  • Determine whether you want the “full screen version” like this or prefer the smaller “thumbnails” like this (which you can always click to see the larger version) on your desktop.
    …if you keep the full screen version, then you can always click on the “other” photos below which also depict that same time.
    …if you choose the “cute window” then click on the photo to change it to a thumbnail version AND you use a browser which has “tabbed browsing”, then you get a cool “clock tab” which always shows the current time, and you can click over to see the photo at any time.
