Parents, friends, family members, and U.S. soldiers (current and former) have been sharing some great resources that others with a son or daughter, husband or wife in the Marines will surely appreciate.
Two that stood out from all the rest and made me want to know more were:
Here’s what I’ve learned about both, the movie and the book…
Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click.
This is a documentary style film that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s really like to go through Marine boot camp. It’s very raw. And very real.
Currently the movie Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click. is only available on the Documentary Channel (on DISH network). But there is a petition to make the channel available on DIRECTV, as well. (You can also purchase the DVD online.)
Watch some excellent previews of “Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click.”
BOOT, The Book
This book by Daniel Da Cruz gives you a better idea of what to expect during the 12-weeks of Marine boot camp.
This book was written in 1987, so a few things have changed since then. But for the most part, it gives a practical account of the boot camp experience.
Check out all the comments & reviews.
Note to publishers & writers:
Here’s an idea for a book… as far-fetched as it may seam at first.
Check out some books like “The Pregnancy Journal” and “What To Expect When You’re Expecting“. I’m sure lots of parents, spouses & loved ones would appreciate having a similar day-by-day account where they could follow along with their Marine through the entire boot camp experience. Lots of historical Marine info and other fun tips that a Marine’s friends & relatives would enjoy could also be mixed in with the daily schedules and routines.