Okay, so here it is, January 13th… and no, I’m not chastising homeowners who still have their Christmas decorations up (…and lit every night!).
This year I turn my attentions toward national advertisers…
I mean, the holidays are past, so why in the world are there still so many commercials on TV still discussing the holidays?
Case in point: Pepto-Pismol!
Every time I look up from my computer at the TV screen (on in the background), it seems I’m catching the tail-end of a Christmas-themed Pepto Bismol commercial.
You know, the one where the chubby old guy is wearing a red & green body-tight shirt and he’s trying to dance… or sing… or dance and sing a new theme song about diarrhea.
Did you get a bad “ad buy” or something? (Like… a lower rate for running multiple repeats after the holidays rather than during them?)
Oh wait, on second thought… maybe I get it. Maybe they’ve achieved their goal exactly as planned, because they got my attention… and yours too — since you’re reading this.
Pepto-Bismol is certainly not alone in this endeavor. I’ve been typing away at the computer all day long today — and the TV has been on in the background the whole time. I must’ve seen at least 2 or 3 other national advertisers still running holiday-themed ads.
Note to advertisers: It’s time to move on. Hey, I’ve got an idea! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.