I saw this on The View.
I know, I know. It’s not a particularly great show.
But this is a particularly great video!…
The fact that this video clip from The View almost immediately became available on YouTube shows that others would agree with me in thinking that this story about a young lion cub raised by humans, then released into the wild, and then reunited with its original owners illustrates the fact that it’s worthy of a view.
And I agree with “Animal Lover” who posted the video… you can find similar videos of Christian the lion on YouTube, but most of them are shorter, don’t include the full story, and don’t have this song in the background — which is quite touching at that “right” moment in the video.
This is what it was like when the 2 men who raised “Christian” the lion cub for the first year of his life… then released him into the wild in Africa… then reunited with him — on his turf, where he had become the leader of his pride of lions. Amazing.