I won free tickets to see a Sneak Preview of “Click” starring Adam Sandler.
(Thank you Nashville Scene!…)
The movie was last night at Green Hills, and I have to say…
I was pleasantly surprised!
When I saw the previews for this movie weeks ago, I thought it looked pretty funny, but I’d probably just wait until it came out on DVD to see it.
I figured “Click” would be a far-too-silly rendition of Back to the Future or something
(…complete with Christopher Walken as the nutty professor!).
Because, while I LOVE Adam Sandler, many of his movies have been cheap silly comedies, in my opinion. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
It’s just that, for the most part, Adam Sandler’s movies are usually ones I’d rather rent than spend big theater bucks for.
But not “Click“.
This movie was filled with laugh-out-loud comedy 3/4ths of the time. One funny line or hilarious scene right after the other.
That’s why it was quite a surpise when the last quarter of the movie got kind of serious. The mood changed drastically — both on screen, and in the theater. And there was actually a whole surprise twist ending that I bet no one saw coming.
All in all, the more serious tone helped to make the movie more credible. Which is a good thing. While comedy in and of itself is good, you often leave a theater after a comedy thinking: “Well, that was 2 hours well wasted!”
But this movie actually made you think a bit. Think about how you spend your days… your life. Who you’re impacting with every little thing you do… or don’t do. It wasn’t heavy, it was just honest.
All in all, it’s a fun trip, and it’s definitely worth seeing in the theater. (The crowd’s simultaneous laughter is worth it alone!)
And now, with this movie movies like Click and Spanglish under his belt… I’m excited to see what Adam Sandler comes up with next!
Here’s another great review of Adam Sandler’s movie “Click”.