Movies & TV

When’s The Best Time To See A Movie In The Theater?…

breach-movie.jpg Answer: Whenever the Oscars are on TV!

That’s what we learned night before last when we went to see Breach at the movie theater. And I have to admit, it’s something we’ve noticed before… movie traffic is much lighter on days that big shows are on TV. Think: Super Bowl, Emmy’s, Miss America Pageant. That’s also part of the reason we like to go to the movies on actual holidays – like Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, etc.


Where Is Everybody?…

When we got there (for the 7:15pm show), we couldn’t believe we were the only ones in the theater — especially since we’d heard good things about this movie! Then it dawned on us… the Oscars were on TV. the-departed-movie.jpg At first I was bummed that I’d forgotten all about the Oscars, but I figured I’d still be able to catch the tail-end when we arrived home afterwards. (I was right. And the end is usually the best part anyway. We loved the movie Departed, too.) So, we got the best of both worlds:

  • a not so crowded movie theater; and
  • the best of the Oscars afterwards!


So, How Were The Movies?

the-number-23-movie.jpgBreach was a great movie! (Of course, I like almost anything that’s “true”. But Jim really enjoyed it, too.) On the other hand, the movie we saw the night before that — The Number 23 — was not so great. Too much hype. Departed — which we saw ages ago — rocked!


Another Reason That Movies Are Fun

One of the other fun things we got out of this night… was seeing “Frankie and the Frogs” perform during the opening credits. Check out the video below. It’s great! (A message to all obnoxious moviegoers, that’s very well-said.) Who are Frankie and the Frogs?… They’re from some kids’ animated movie called “Meet The Robinsons“.