Movies & TV

Little-known facts and behind-the-scenes info about popular movies and TV shows. We watch movies a LOT! Our favorites are true stories, reality TV, comedy, and drama / suspense movies. These are some of the most interesting things we’ve learned about random movies. Enjoy!

Here's what we thought of the movie Sideways, starring Paul Giamatti, plus bonus facts about the movie's Oscar chances at the 2005 Academy Awards.

I didn't know many of the nominees at the Grammy's. Nor was I familiar with most of the performers. But you don't NEED to know them to appreciate them!

Our review of the movie, 'Hitched'... It had the entire audience laughing from start to finish, and we liked it so much we're buying it! Here's more...

Hotel Rwanda is a classy movie from start to finish. I learned a lot from watching this movie. Here's my review...

Following are our personal reviews of each of the following movies: In Good Company, Paparazzi, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Day After Tomorrow, Taking Lives, and Shelter Island.

I've vowed to give up television for one whole week! Jim thinks I'm crazy. He thinks I can't do it. (Though he could care less about the TV not being on.)

Our review of the movie White Noise...

Here's our review of the two hit movies 'Aviator' and 'Meet the Fockers'...

We saw the movies Spanglish, Ocean's 12, Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events, and Collateral. Here's what we thought of each movie...