I took this photo of the FCUK store in the West Edmonton Mall in Alberta Canada. It stands for French Connection UK. It's one of the biggest & most interesting malls I've been in
Here's proof that cemeteries are dying for new business... At this cemetery in Georgia, there's plenty of space available, and free dirt is your parting gift!
Pictures of funny real estate signs. They help us to see that things are not always as they appear... or as they SHOULD be. There's no 'truth in advertising'.
Is it a typo? Or a minor technicality? Whatever it is... it was clearly overlooked by the store's owners! This is what I saw on my lunch break the other day...
It's just not right... that the following MAJOR companies can get away with this type of advertising! I'm sure I'll be adding to the list as time goes on. If you can think of others, please do share.
See the hidden message in the FexEx logo? Here are insider secrets about the FedEx logo, plus lots of other brilliant company logos with hidden messages!
Have you heard about this study examining the relationship between hoscope signs and the quality of one's driving? Who knew that you could be a better or worse driver, simply by the nature of your sign?