Here's a collection of Dumb Laws (by state), Dumb Criminals (and their crazy antics), Dumb Warnings (as in appliance manuals), and a whole collection of Dumb Facts?
Here are some VERY interesting ways that people are getting out of bad dates these days. Plus, some ingenious means for preventing a date with someone you've just met.
Cockeyed is a one-of-a-kind, unique website that covers everything from the 'Who'd a thunk it?' category. Rob's a numbers guy, and he likes to analyze crazy and bizarre things in layman's terms for us. Word is... it's the 6th best web site in the world!
Check out these constantly updated lists which highlight the annual 'Words of the Year', 'What Today's Freshmen Are Thinking', and 'Banished Words'. It's truly a sign of the times!
Each note - whether it be on a napkin, a piece of notebook paper, a flier, photograph, or brochure - reveals something unique about its original owner.