Outdoor Fun

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Everyone should have a basic survival kit at home. Here's how to make a DIY emergency survival kit for severe weather, natural disasters & other emergencies

Survival Rule Of 3's: Do you know how long you could survive without food? Without shelter? Without water? Do you have an emergency survival kit? Start here

See the role that the 3 water states -- solid, liquid, and gas -- play in weather and meteorology. Plus, see what storm clouds are like and what the sizes and colors of the clouds in the sky can tell us.

Here are 5 facts about the deadly and powerful Storm of the Century. In 1993 this storm hit the gulf coast of Florida leaving destruction and devastation in its path.

When we talk about wind, we are talking about more than just moving air. In fact, the wind direction, the wind speed, and where the wind occurs are all important things to understand when talking about wind.

I live in Florida, one of the most hurricane-prone states. I believed these hurricane myths. Until they were debunked. (See the facts & scientific research)

Learn about the 7 weird weather events we're seeing lately: Deadly heat, Record rain, Monster hurricanes, Firenados, Record snow, Chemtrails, Strange clouds

What's the risk of flooding in your area? Are you in a high risk flood zone? Use these free online tools to find out if your home is in a flood zone or not.

Flood cleanup is a necessary task for most of us -- due to severe storms, rain, or snow melt. 25 tips that make the house flood cleanup process quick & easy