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Regina Paul

My favorite things to write about are topics that have to do with weather, pregnancy, weddings, saving money, living green, and my life with dogs. When I'm not writing, I love to spend time with my husband, read, create 3D artwork and Native American beadwork.

10+ unique Christmas engagement ideas to help you plan your own fun Christmas proposal! Free & easy ideas, plus complex & memorable ones. And videos so you can "see" how it's done!

Lightning kills 55% more Americans than tornadoes - which have a 41% death rate. Here are the simplest tips you should keep in mind during lightning.

The weather ultimately determines why and how the leaves turn color each Fall. A small change in the weather can easily affect how colorful the leaves will be. Things such as the amount of moisture in the soil, temperature, and even the length of the days affect what colors the leaves will eventually turn -- and even the brightness and hue of those colors.

Handy tips that will make raking leaves easier, faster, and more fun this year. I bet you never thought of these 7 things!

Do you really need to wash fruits and veggies first? YES! Here's the BEST way to wash produce. See what works and what doesn't!

What do you know about your neighbors? Better yet, what do your neighbors know about you? Here are 6 legal ways to snoop on your neighbors online for FREE!

If a hurricane or storm has passed through your area, what should you do -- and NOT do? 10 hidden dangers you need to be aware of after a hurricane or storm

Hurricane coming? Here's how to prevent too much damage from happening to your house AND your vehicle. Do these things BEFORE the hurricane blows through.

Do you have friends that after the wedding say they wished they had added certain items to their wedding gift registry? Are you worried you might forget to add something important? This has happened to many couples. Instead of wondering after the fact if you've got everything on your wedding gift registry that you really want, check out these 5 things first!