Articles for tag: Cats And Dogs Together, Constipation Issues With Dogs, Diarrhea In Dogs & Poop Issues, Dog Injuries & Emergencies, Home Remedies & Alternative Medicine For Dogs, Human Medications For Dogs, Veterinarian And Expert Dog Tips

I Finally Found The Perfect Dog Diarrhea Treatment!

Our dog had diarrhea yesterday, and I spent all morning trying to find the perfect combination of human foods that he would eat and that would actually help to firm up his stools. I finally found it!... Here's the recipe that cured my dog's diarrhea in a matter of hours. Of all the dog diarrhea treatments and bland dog food recipes I've tried, this one cures diarrhea in dogs the quickest. Plus a list of human foods to keep on hand so you'll be ready whenever diarrhea strikes!

Best Home Remedies For Fleas On Dogs: Which Natural Flea Treatment For Dogs Is Your Favorite?

If your dog has fleas, then technically you do too. (I know - I’ve been there!) Fleas on dogs get into the nooks and crannies inside your house -- from the floor boards to the baseboards to the carpet, rugs, and furniture. Here are the best natural flea control home remedies to GET RID OF FLEAS on your dog and in your house without chemicals! Plus, our best natural flea repellent tips and recipes to PREVENT fleas from getting on your dog (and in your home) ever again. If you’re looking for an alternative to the flea and tick prevention medicine you get from your vet, try these all natural flea & tick control remedies for your dog instead. Here's what to look for.