Articles for tag: Home Maintenance, Interior Decorating Ideas, Pools And Hot Tubs, Water

Thinking Of Putting A Hot Tub Inside Your House? Pros & Cons Of Indoor Hot Tub Installation

Thinking of installing an indoor hot tub? At the very least, don't do it yourself! Although an indoor hot tub gives you more privacy and fewer maintenance issues, you have to think about mold inside, weight capacities on your flooring, and the multitude of electrical and plumbing issues that could arise. Here are the pros and cons of indoor hot tub installation.

Using Tin Ceiling Tiles vs. Tin Roofing Inside Your Home: Tips For Installing Tin Ceiling Tiles Yourself + Tin Ceiling Cost Factors

What you put on the ceiling is just as important as what you put on the walls. Used in the right room with the right accents, things like vinyl, aluminum, Styrofoam, and tin ceiling tiles can add a stunning punch that's different from the other rooms in your home! Here's what real ceiling tiles and faux ceiling tiles are like, how much tin ceiling tiles cost, and the steps for installing tin ceiling tiles yourself.